Oral Health and Your Total Health

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Have you heard the saying “your oral health is a window to your overall health”? Well, it’s true!  What you put in your mouth and how you take care of your teeth and gums plays a huge part in your overall health. Most people know that poor dental care leads to cavities but not taking care of your smile can also lead to serious health issues.

The Bad News

Poor oral health care has been known to affect not only the mouth but the brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys.  It all comes down to the bacteria left in your mouth when you don’t practice regular brushing and flossing, or visit your dentist regularly for professional dental cleanings. Having poor oral health is linked to heart disease by increasing the risk of bacterial infection in the blood. Bacteria that cause gum disease can also cause artery-clogging plaque to accumulate leading to heart disease and the risk of a stroke.  Diabetes can affect gum disease and increase risk of dental infections, while gum disease can also affect blood sugar control in diabetes. Severe gum disease has also been linked to preterm births and low birth weight babies.

The Good News

When you love your smile, you’re a much happier and healthier person! Dental health is an important part of your self-care routine – treat yourself to a healthy smile.  Invest in a good toothbrush (and replace it frequently), a Waterpik, floss, and toothpaste that does the trick. If you’re feeling fancy, splurge on professional teeth whitening.  Visit your dentist and hygienist regularly for professional dental cleanings and checkups and focus on preventative care. Food is much easier to eat when you have teeth and it tastes much better!  Having a healthy diet is not only healthy for your body, it’s healthy for your smile too.

If you have questions or concerns about your oral health, seek professional advice.  We are available to chat anytime about your concerns. We want you to love your smile, stay healthy and feel confident.  Schedule an appointment at Riverfront Dental by calling us at 519-621-2111.  Visit us on Facebook or Instagram for tips and resources for keeping your smile in tip-top shape.