Symptoms, Causes & Treatment of Cavities - Riverfront Dental

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A cavity is a hole or opening that develops on your tooth caused by bacteria, snacking, drinking sugary drinks or not cleaning your teeth properly.  This is also referred to as tooth decay.  Routine brushing and flossing can help prevent cavities.  If left untreated, they can get larger and lead to tooth loss or an infection, and that’s no fun.  In this blog, we will explore the symptoms, causes, and treatments of cavities.


If you have a toothache or sensitivity, chances are, you’ve got a cavity. If you can no enjoy longer the foods you love, like a hot cup of tea or ice cream, it could be because you have a cavity developing.  As the cavity begins to get larger, you’ll start to experience pain when you bite down on food and/or sensitivity to cold, hot or sweet foods and drinks.


A cavity can pop up for many different reasons.  If you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, it allows plaque to build up, which adheres to your teeth and causes these small holes to form.  Your diet plays a large part in your oral health.  Eating foods that cling to your teeth (like hard or sticky candy) or drinking sugary drinks can make cavities form faster.  Regular flossing and brushing will help to remove the food and cavity-causing bacteria that sits on and in between your teeth.


The most common treatment for a cavity is a filling.  The portion of your tooth that has the cavity will be drilled away and replaced with a filling that will prevent further growth of the hole.  Other treatments include a root canal or crown when the cavity gets much larger and a filling alone is not able to help.  These two are a little more extensive and invasive which is why it’s best to treat your cavity while it’s smaller!

Cavities can put a real damper on your mood, especially if they are causing you a great deal of pain.  By knowing the symptoms of cavities, you can be prepared should one develop.  And remember to visit your dentist regularly to prevent and detect cavities early.

Think you have a cavity?  We can help you get back to enjoying your favourite foods with no pain or sensitivity.  Let’s take a look – call Riverfront Dental at 519-621-2111 to book an appointment.

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